Monday, October 29, 2012

Ready to Ha Ha!

Me and My Man

It's agreed...Next year on my Boat!
We visited the Queen! (Mary, that is)

       Hugh Talman and Captain Wighty

             Crazy Kari and Nauty Neeka

   After a night at anchor in Newport Beach, we left for San Diego.  Exiting the channel, we encountered a small squall.  The dark sky cleared and beautiful light rays shone down to the ocean water; A few drops of rain fell on our cheeks. A moment later, a single dolphin swam side to side back and forth at Valhalla's bow as we watched in amazement.   We walked to the bow of the boat and watched a moment more before he disappeared.  We then got a phone call that Don's friend Bill had passed away.   We will miss him but we will never forget him!  God Bless Bill Gann!

 We flew home mid October for a week to celebrate (Don's Mom) Lila's 90th birthday!  There was lots of family to see  before our departure to Mexico.  Lila was in good spirits and looks great!
You look marvelous!

Full Moon Rising
We arrived in San Diego on schedule and got a slip at Harbor Island West Marina for the month of October. During the month, we discovered we had more projects to do on Valhalla.   The weather down here in sunny So Cal has been really nice and San Diego has been a great place to visit.  When we weren't working, we  made time to enjoy some relaxing pool time.  After a week of shore leave at home  in Grass Valley, we returned to San Diego via air transportation with our crew, Hugh and Nicki Talman.  They are our close friends and now we will all live together in nice close quarters on Valhalla for about the next 30 days!  Together with our crew, we will sail 750 nautical miles between October 29, 2012 and November 10, 2012 which will be when we arrive in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  The winds are expected to be light and the seas pretty kind.  We are all enthusiastic and excited about beginning the First Leg of the  Baja Ha-Ha Sailing Regatta tomorrow morning.

   The second full moon of the month is approaching, also known as a Blue Moon, and is in perfect time for the beginning of our Mexico adventure.  In about 12 hours Valhalla will be parading out the Channel with more than one hundred thirty other boats competing in the XIX Baja Ha-Ha Cruiser's Rally.  Tomorrow is the day and Valhalla and her crew are ready to battle it out to see who will be the winner of Leg 1?  It's going to be a beautiful day of sailing for sure. Thank you for Blessing Valhalla with fair winds and following seas!
   So to our friends and family...we will miss you all during our voyage.  Of Course, we will see you when we meet again.  With much love, it is for now, Hasta Luego, Amigos!

Katie and Don Wight
s/v Valhalla

1 comment:

  1. Bon voyage and fair seas. These moments are shared by few :) We will be following in your wake.
